Ataccama Plans Major Growth Push in 2021, Names Martin Zahumensky Chief Growth Officer 

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Ataccama, a leading provider of self-driving data management and governance solutions, has named Martin Zahumenksy to the position of Chief Growth Officer. In this role, Zahumensky will introduce, coordinate, and execute various initiatives to drive company...

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Ataccama, a leading provider of self-driving data management and governance solutions, has named Martin Zahumenksy to the position of Chief Growth Officer. In this role, Zahumensky will introduce, coordinate, and execute various initiatives to drive company growth. The role is cross-functional, and bridges marketing, sales, partnership, and product areas. 

Zahumensky has worked with the Ataccama team since its inception and brings extensive experience from the field of data management. He spent his early career in large-name professional services and consulting organizations before founding his own company, Instarea, and serving as its CEO for nearly a decade. 

“We’re set to grow significantly in 2021—in terms of revenue, new customers, and the company itself. We have ambitious hiring targets to support product development and innovation, scaling our presales and professional services capacity, and more,” said Ataccama CEO Michal Klaus. 

He continued, “There are very few people who can offer both deep technical understanding and rock solid business sense and expertise. Martin is one of them, and I am thrilled that he will be leading and accelerating the growth of Ataccama.” 

“I’m honored to take on this new role and be part of a company that not only has such ambitious plans to grow, but also the means to achieve it. There is an amazing pool of talent at Ataccama. Coupled with an industry-leading product and dynamic company culture, it’s a recipe for success,” states Martin Zahumensky, Chief Growth Officer. 

About Ataccama 

Ataccama reinvents the way data is managed to create value on an enterprise scale. Unifying Data Governance, Data Quality, and Master Data Management into a single, AI-powered fabric across hybrid and Cloud environments, Ataccama gives your business and data teams the ability to innovate with unprecedented speed while maintaining trust, security, and governance of your data. Learn more at 

Contact: Pamela Valerio, Communications Manager 


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